Mark the Spot Massage Therapy
Specializing in Advanced NeuroMuscular Technique
Chronic Pain

Relieve the Stress of Chronic Pain with Neuromuscular Massage

One common cause of chronic pain is the distortion or deterioration of joints which compresses nerves and impairs circulation. If muscle or other soft tissue is deprived of nutrients, chronic pain is often the result.

Neuromuscular massage therapy helps to restore the natural function of joints by relaxing the muscle structure that supports the bones. If the muscles are unbalanced, joint distortion occurs. Neuromuscular massage techniques selectively loosen tight muscles and connective tissues to restore muscular balance and improve range of motion.

Chronic pain is often the source of body-wide stress. The inability to relieve pain adequately results in a cascade of stress hormones. In the case of chronic pain, neuromuscular massage can enhance the effect of the body’s natural endorphins which help to soften the perception of pain. Massage also lowers blood pressure and heart rate which may be elevated as a result of pain.

Neuromuscular massage can help in some of the most common causes of chronic pain including postural distortion, nerve compression or entrapment, restricted joint movement and fibromyalgia .

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